
If you aren’t familiar with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation here’s a quick overview. GDPR is all about ensuring organisations like us are responsible and transparent, and people like you can trust that we only use information about you in a way that you understand and are happy with:

GDPR aims to ensure that you know what information we hold about you, why we hold it and what we do with it. It places on us the obligation to ensure that the information is only held for as long as is necessary for our relationship with you, or for as long as we are legally required to do so, whichever is the longer. You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you free of charge within 30 days (if that request is “reasonable”) and to have that information updated if it is inaccurate. We are also obligated to ensure the information is stored securely and safely. In the extremely unlikely event that any personal data relating to you is illegally obtained by someone else we have to inform you.

That was the easy bit. If you want to know the details you can carry on reading. Some of the terms may be unfamiliar to you, in that case we refer you to the Information Commissioners Office (https://ico.org.uk) where it’s all explained in minute detail.

That said we’ll try and keep this simple and in plain English. This document is mainly for members but applies to suppliers to the society too. In the case of suppliers the information held falls under “Legal Obligation” and “Legitimate Interest”.

Why We Hold Your Data?

We hold information about you to:

  • Process your orders/membership fees
  • Communicate with you about events such as the Summer/Winter Luncheon and the Froggatt Show
  • Keep records of payments made from you as members and to you – e.g. prize money

Under the GDPR regulations these are covered by several “Legitimate Interests”, that is “Legal Obligation” and “Legitimate Interest”. We will also seek your explicit approval periodically to ensure you understand our ongoing commitment to keeping your data accurate and safe. This falls under “Consent”.

What Information We Hold About you

We will always endeavour to hold only information necessary to effectively run the society. As well as giving you peace of mind it also enables the society simplify the management of data.

Information We hold About You:


  1. Your name
  2. Your postal address
  3. Your home telephone number
  4. Your mobile telephone number
  5. Your email address


We will hold information about you as required by our legal obligations under UK Law. In GDPR terms “Legal Obligation” and (mutual) “Legitimate Interest”.

Information We Don’t Hold About You


Even if you pay your patron fee by bank transfer or standing order we DO NOT hold your bank details.


We may hold your bank details (Account Name, Account Number, Sort Code) for the purposes of bill settlement.

What We Do With Your Data?

We only use information held about you for the aforementioned purposes of running the society and communicating to you regarding events. That can be summarised as:

  1. Enable us to contact you
  2. Use the information in the general running of the Froggatt Show and Society
  3. Resolving any day to day queries that arise from time to time

Our Website

Our website uses cookies to function, a cookie is a small piece of information used when the site shows you a page or you click on something to move around the site. We do not use these cookies or any other means to track what you do on our site, or to target you with emails, telephone calls or make any other solicitation to you – with one exception. If you fill in our “Contact Us” form  you are asking us to make us of your email address, name etc to communicate with you and this of course means you have given implicit permission for us to us that information to contact you. We will of course only use that information in the context of communication with you and it will not be passed on to others.

Each year at the show we take images for use on the website. The Froggatt Show is a public event and as such you may find yourself in one of those images. Because of this we can legally use those images because it does not infringe your “reasonable expectation of privacy” as laid out in UK Law. However, if you would like us to blur your face or that of other members of your family please ask and we will usually do so as a courtesy to you via privacy@froggattshow.org.

Other Websites

Froggatt and District Horticultural Society have a social media presence on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We comply with their GDPR and Privacy policies.

What If We Need To Change The Way We Handle Your Data?

Simple, we’ll tell you about the changes and ask for your permission when required.


FDHS GDPR Policy Version 1.0.0, 22/05/2018

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I request a copy of the data held about me?

A: Email GDPR@froggattshow.org with your request. We will respond to the request within 30 days

Q: I think you have information about me that is wrong. How can I correct it?

A: Email GDPR@froggattshow.org with your correction. We will respond to the update request within 30 days.

Q: Do you pass my information on to anyone else?

A: No. And we never would without your permission.