Read the Schedule and ensure that the correct number of items are displayed on plates e.g. 4 Afternoon Tea Scones, no more, no less! You will lose points for the wrong number.
Exhibits should be displayed on paper plates (provided by the society). Some exhibitors choose to use a doily, although this is not essential and should only be used for sweet exhibits
In the interest of hygiene, all baking entries should be covered with cling film.
Exhibits are judged on a combination of internal and external standards:
External appearance:
Try to avoid using ready-made tin liners or allowing cooling rack marks. Cooling rack marks can be avoided by using a sheet of baking parchment or a clean tea towel on your rack before turning out your cake.
Avoid over-browning fruit cakes by tying brown paper around the outside of your tin before placing it in the oven.
Internal appearance:
This includes texture and the even distribution of ingredients. Most importantly, marks are awarded for flavour and aroma, as entries must be enjoyable to eat.
Preserves are marked on a combination of internal and external standards:
External includes container, cover, label and appearance.
Do not use jars and lids with commercial markings or patterns. Jars should be covered with a wax disc and cellophane top or a twist lid. All lids should be clean and in good condition or brand new. If using a twist lid there is no need to apply a wax disc as the lid will give the airtight seal if applied whilst the contents are still warm. Labels should be on straight and clearly marked with the type of preserve and date of making. Fill jars as full as possible, which is normally to within ¼” of the rim.
Chutneys should be exhibited in plain jars with vinegar resistant lids (e.g. plastic lined metal or plastic). Cellophane tops should not be used.
Internal includes colour, clarity, flavour, consistency, texture of fruit and aroma.
There should be no air bubbles or scum within the contents. For jellies, the brighter the colour the better. For marmalades the jelly part should be clear and the peel well cooked and evenly distributed. Tip: to achieve even distribution allow the mixture to cool slightly before filling the jars, otherwise fruit may rise to the surface.